Episode IV: The Hand
[CLICK] ARCHIVIST Anonymous statement regarding the disappearance of a boyfriend. Original statement given by letter addressed to the "Magus Intisuit", September June 19th, 2012. Audio recording by Jonathan Simps, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London. Statement begins: ARCHIVIST (Statement) My boyfriend and me go out to drive under moonlight. We stop at on at a side of road. He turn to me and say: "Baby, I love you very much." "What is it honey?" "Our car is broken down. I think the engine is broken, I'll walk and get some more fuel." "Ok. I'll stay here and look after our stereo. There have been news report of steres being stolen." "Good idea. Keep the doors locked no matter what. I love you sweaty." So my boyfriend left to get full for the car. After two hours I say "Where is my baby, he was supposed to be back by now." Then I here a scratching sound and a voice say "LET ME IN" I doesn...