Episode III: The Basques
The Basques [CLICK] ARCHIVIST Statement of Jacob Grimm, regarding a the disappearance of the last speakers of the Basque-Icelandic Pidgin. Original statement given as part of a letter to Robert Smirke, September 19th 1863 . Audio recording by Jonathan Simps, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London. Statement Begins: ARCHIVIST (STATEMENT) Salutations Robert Smirke I write to you of troubling events, as I know of no Other who can interpret them so. You know that I study matters of Language, as a Philologist, though I also take a keen interest in Folklore and oral History which brings me in contact with the Subnatural. Yet the Tale I share here has brought me Face to Face with it like never before. I had recently been informed of a shocking Discovery - speakers of the purported Basque-Icelandic pidgin alive! Despite my old and frail Age - I requested that instead of visiting them, they should visit me to document their Language. I simply wish my Brother Wilhelm, God rest his...